Food product quality control
For the food industry, we offer machine vision all-in-one solutions for a whole range of quality controls. These systems are developed by our own engineers, often in close collaboration with specialist partners. Below you can read more about machine vision systems for potatoes, cheese and meat.
24x7 Control
Constant quality
Potatoes: BulkGrading en Peelguard
This machine vision solution classifies and assesses potatoes at high speed. A 3D camera counts and measures potatoes in a bulk production flow and the system furnishes the user with detailed information. The output can be utilised, for example, to increase the processing efficiency for the potatoes. Our engineers have developed this machine vision solution, which can still measure potatoes when they are pushed together or even stacked.
We developed this machine vision solution in collaboration with a specialised partner. The system checks the potatoes have been properly peeled by a steamer. Information is recorded here about the shape and dimensions of the remaining peels, so that the production process can be effectively improved.

Cheese: whole cheese and cheese slicer inspection
Whole cheese inspection
This machine vision solution inspects whole round and rectangular cheeses with crust. Both the top and underside of the cheese are inspected for green and white moulds, soiling, breaks or cracks, wooden splinters and printing. The cheeses with deviations can be rejected or sent to a buffer conveyor.
Cheese slicer inspection
Our engineers have developed this machine vision solution to check the complete removal of the crust from whole cheeses. This can take place immediately in the robot, and/or on the conveyor belt. The system detects the presence of crust fragments. Both options inspect simultaneously for the presence of moulds on the sliced cheeses. Cheeses with deviations can be rejected or sent to a buffer conveyor.
Meat: chicken quality control
What is QGS-Whole bird?
The Quality Grading System - Whole bird is a machine vision solution that determines the quality of a slaughtered whole chicken. We developed this system in collaboration with a strategic partner for the extremely high-speed inspection of chickens. QGS-Whole bird classifies the chickens based on various characteristics, in combination with the number of times that this characteristic occurs on the chicken. Based on the information, the dimensions and weight of the chicken, the destination can be determined.
What is QGS-Footpad?
The Quality Grading System - Footpad was developed to inspect the welfare of the chicken while it is still alive. This takes place through inspecting the chickens’ footpad for the presence of lesions. Based on this information, the chicken supplier can be assessed and, when required, reports sent to the food safety authorities. It is also possible to classify the quality of the chicken legs for human consumption and petfood.
What is QGS-Bird counter?
The Quality Grading System - Bird counter counts the number of chickens that pass through the slaughter line. This leads to an unequivocal overview from which it is clear if the agreed number of chickens were actually supplied.
What is QGS-ISS?
The Quality Grading Systems - Inspection Support System was developed to make life easier for veterinarians in poultry abattoirs. This system checks for illness and deviations with the help of a camera system in the slaughter line.

Food product quality control: all-in-one solutions with strong support
All the solutions mentioned above have been developed – often in collaboration with specialist partners - by our own engineers and have been in use for many years in demanding practical situations. They guarantee extreme accuracy, also at very high speeds. The corresponding software ensures, in all cases, insightful data and statistics.
Our engineers are only too pleased to advise you about the possibilities for product quality control in your production line. Together we ensure that the implementation and taking into service takes place smoothly. If, in practice, you encounter issues, then you can always count on our extensive support, remotely or on location.
Want to know more?
Would you like to know more about food product quality control, its possibilities and our range? Please contact us. We would be only too pleased to supply additional information.
Tip! We also offer machine vision solutions for inspecting packaged food stuffs, for example the label, seal or tape print. Read more about the role of artificial intelligence and deep learning in machine vision solutions and the recording of data in manufacturing processes.

Label and seal inspection
Please have a look at our solutions for label and seal inspection.

AI, deep learning and data
Please take a look at our AI, deep learning and data solutions.